*SW 280:社会工作导论 3学时
Introduces 学生 to the social work profession and its value, skill, and knowledge bases.
*SW 301:社会环境中的人类行为1 - 3学时
Presents a social systems framework with a focus on individual and 家庭 systems. 强调社会和行为理论的整合. 先决条件:SW 280, **鸟叔105,**Soc 204, **生物100. (**这些可能被视为与顾问许可的共同必要条件.)
*社会环境中的人类行为2 - 3学时
SW 301的延续. 重点是人类在社会环境中的行为, 强调群体, 组织, 从社会系统的角度来看. 前提条件:SW 301.
SW 304:社会工作实践I - 3学时
Introduction to knowledge, principles, 值, 以及多面手社会工作实践的技能. 先决条件:入学程序,SW 301和*Sw 302 (** m可以看作是共同条件。.
SW 305:实习实习I/研讨会 3学时
A generalist base for social work practice that involves an on-site field agency practicum and a weekly seminar that focuses on continuing skill building for generalist social work practice. Integrates classroom learning with learning taking place during the field practicum. 前提条件:SW 304和高级.
SW 306:社会工作实践II - 3学时
实践二继续知识的发展, 值, 以及多面手社会工作实践的技能, 重点放在集团层面. 前提条件:SW 304.
SW 308:社会工作实践III - 3学时
这门课延续了知识的发展, 值, 以及多面手社会工作实践的技能. 关注的焦点, 然而, is on generalist practice at organizational and community levels using a social systems approach. 前提条件:SW 304.
SW 309 // MSW 509:刑事司法中的社会工作- 3学时
An investigation of criminal behavior, sanctions, and rehabilitation of offenders. Implication for social work practice with the criminal justice system is discussed. Course may be taken as either undergraduate or graduate elective but not in both programs. 前提条件:本科-大二; 研究生-进入城市固体废物计划.
*SW 310:社会问题的多样性 – 3学时
An-depth investigation of several groups with minority status and their patterns of interaction in the United States: Native, 非洲, and Hispanic Americans; women as a minority group; 宗教 minorities; and the gay and lesbian population. Emphasis on social work knowledge, 值, and practice skills with members of diverse populations. 前提条件:大二.
*SW 312 // MSW 512:死亡和垂死- 3学时
The study of death and dying in American society; changes in attitudes and norms; future trends; services to clients and families. Course may be taken as either undergraduate or graduate elective but not in both programs. 前提条件:本科-大二; 研究生-进入城市固体废物计划.
SW 313:社会工作与老龄化 3学时
老龄化的社会层面, including changing role definitions of the elderly and the special problems of growing old in today’s society; services to the elderly population. Economic and social justice issues and implication for social work practice are discussed. 前提条件:大二.
SW 326:处于危险中的妇女- 3个学分
This course evaluates the varied experiences among women of different cultures, 地理位置, 社会经济类, 宗教, 以及发展历史. The ability to determine the inherent risk of women as a group as well as among themselves will be explored. Students will be expected to analyze the potential risk of women from a cultural, 发展, and historical perspective in multiple areas of the human experience: individual, 家庭, and community roles/perspectives; employment; health; socio-economic and political arenas. 前提条件:大二.
SW 381:社会工作实践中的道德考虑- 3个学分
Designed to heighten 学生’ sensitivity to the ethical aspects of social work practice, 这门课程帮助他们发展个人的方法来解决这些问题, and helps them consider the essential elements in ethical decision making in professional social work practice. 前提条件:大二.
SW 400 /MSW 541:虐待和忽视儿童- 3学时
This course is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to child abuse and neglect from a social work perspective. Social workers in all professional work settings must know how to identify child maltreatment and domestic violence. Students will learn the 家庭 dynamics and indicators of maltreatment and effective interventions on the micro and macro level. 学生还将了解问题的严重程度, 它对儿童的影响, 处理问题, 社会工作者在多学科团队方法中的作用, 以及如何为个人和家庭发声. Course may be taken as either undergraduate or graduate elective but not as both. 先决条件: UG — Sophomore status; 研究生-进入城市固体废物计划.
社会福利政策- 3学时
Includes current issues and problems of social welfare policy and programs within a historical context. Prerequisites: 入学 to the program; SW 280, **请201 (**M)(可能需要导师的许可).
SW 403:儿童虐待干预措施 3学时
Students will learn about various practice skills and treatment interventions related to social work with abused/neglected children and their families, and have several opportunities to develop their own skills through a variety of teaching methods. 前提条件:SW 400.
SW 405:研究方法 3学时
This course is an introduction to the logic and the techniques of research in social science. The emphasis will be on measurement, sampling techniques, research design, and data analysis. 前提条件:进入该计划.
SW 406:实习II/研讨会 6学时
On-site field agency practicum integrating generalist social work knowledge, 值 and skills. Classroom seminar provides an opportunity for all seminar practicum 学生 to integrate learning with practice experience. Prerequisites: Senior status; SW 305, SW 306, and SW 308.
SW 410:研究与统计 – 3学时
在本课程中, 学生将学会分析, 理解, and present data using the Statistical Program for the Social Sciences (SPSS). 将介绍统计分析的基础知识. Students will become informed consumers of published social work research and will develop competence in conducting basic research analysis. 先决条件:初级或高级状态和SW 405.
SW 443 // MSW 643:晚年生活中的精神问题 – 3学时
This course helps 学生 develop culturally competent skills for working with and 理解ing the spiritual worlds of older adults. Students will develop skills to assess and respond competently and ethically to the diverse spiritual and religious perspectives of adults in later life. Course may be taken as either undergraduate or graduate elective but not in both programs. 先决条件: Undergraduate — Sophomore status; 研究生-进入城市固体废物计划.
*SW 499H:仆人式领导的行动- 3学时
This Honors College Senior Seminar offers instruction in current leadership theory and practice with specific emphasis on the Servant Leader. 课堂教学, 公开讨论, and a team-oriented group activity will prepare 学生 as community leaders and agents of change. 补充传统的课堂学习经验, 本课程包括开发, 规划, and implementation of a class-wide service project to be completed as a team effort. 本课程符合普通教育要求(GER) 社会和行为科学. Prerequisites: Junior status; membership in Honors College.
*Soc 204:社会学原理- 3学时
An introduction to the major concepts and principles relating to the study of society, 社会制度, 以及社会互动.